Commercial Suit / Regular Suit, for the profits of immovable property belonging to the plaintiff which have been wrongfully received by the defendant
Nature of Cause of action
SUIT FOR THE PROFITS OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE PLAINTIFF WHICH HAVE BEEN WRONGFULLY RECEIVED BY THE DEFENDANT: Where a person has wrongfully / illegally received any profits arising out of an immovable property, which were lawfully due to any other person – the said other person, may file a Suit for the said profits of immovable property, under Article 51 of the Limitation Act, 1963, within three years from the date when the profits are received by the first referred person.
The remedy of Suit is subject to existence of any Arbitration Agreement / Clause between the parties. The remedy of Suit is further subject to exclusive jurisdiction being conferred upon specially constituted Tribunals or Courts, or upon any Statutory Authority, to exclusively deal with certain kind of disputes.