Arbitration for recovery of Money
1 Arbitration for the balance of money advanced in payment of goods to be delivered
2 Arbitration for the price of goods sold and delivered, payment against delivery
3 Arbitration for the price of goods sold and delivered on credit
4 Arbitration for the price of work done by the plaintiff for the defendant
5 Arbitration for money payable for money lent by Cheque
6 Arbitration for money lent under an agreement that it shall be payable on demand
7 Arbitration for money payable by the defendant, for money received by the defendant, for the plaintiff's use
8 Arbitration for Interest on debts
9 Arbitration for money due from the defendant to the plaintiff on accounts stated between them
10 Arbitration by a Surety against the principal Debtor
11 Arbitration for money paid upon on existing consideration / Contract which afterwards fails