The Courts cannot ignore the mischief committed by the parties before it.
This court must reiterate that it is not, at this stage, expressing any final opinion that fraud has been committed by the plaintiff or the defendant or by both in the present proceedings; nor that the plaintiff and defendant are, in fact, acting in collusion.
However, with the material presented before it, this court is prima-facie of the view that the plaintiff and defendant are attempting to obtain directions from this court to fructify what may be an illegal transaction in relation to the sale of the subject property; and that in view of the material brought before the court by the impleadment-applicant, it is necessary for the court to examine the matter closely;
and in order for the court to do so, the plaintiff cannot be permitted to withdraw the suit and evade such scrutiny.
Lady Justice is blindfolded only so as to be non-partisan; but not to be blind to mischief, deception or fraud being played-out before it by dishonest litigants making a mockery of the judicial process.