Administering Interrogatories by Plaintiffs right after filing of Suit and by Defendants right after filing of its WS, will transform the way we litigate.
In any Suit proceedings, under Order 11 of CPC, 1908, either of the parties may discover relevant facts by way of Interrogatories.
Interrogatories may be filed by Plaintiffs, immediately on the filing of Suit, and may discover relevant facts. Like for example, the Plaintiffs may ask: Whether Defendants have shown subject liability in their Balance Sheet. Similarly, any information requested under Right to Information regime, may be moulded in the form of Interrogatories.
An Application may be filed before the Court with the List of such Interrogatories, for to be answered by the Adversary. The Interrogatories are in the form of such questions relating to any matter in question in the subject Suit. Interrogatories are answered by Affidavit. Interrogatories may turn out to be a fascinating tool to shorten litigation.