Commercial Suits, including Commercial Summary Suits
Administering Interrogatories – Order 11, Rule 2
The Plaintiff or the Defendant, may discover relevant facts by way of Interrogatories. An Application may be filed before the Court with the List of such Interrogatories, for to be answered by the Adversary. The Interrogatories are in the form of such questions relating to any matter in question in the subject Suit.
Interrogatories are answered by Affidavit. The Adversary may object to any of the Interrogatory in their Affidavit on the grounds that they have been exhibited (a) unreasonably or (b) vexatiously; or be struck out on the grounds that they are (a) prolix, (b) oppressive, (c) unnecessary or (d) scandalous.
Where any person interrogated omits to answer, or answers insufficiently, the party interrogating may apply to the court for an order requiring him to answer, or to answer further, as the case may be, and an order may be made requiring him to answer, or to answer further, either affidavit or by viva voce examination, as the court may direct.